Educational workshop

Developing “Key Feature” Cases & Examinations




Department of Medical Education

University of Illinois at Chicago
Workshop leader


"...problem-solving skills are specific to the case or problem encountered... and are contingent on the effective manipulation of those few elements of the problem that are critical to its successful resolution... the problem's key features."

(Page & Bordage, Ac. Med., 1995)



Workshop objectives - Upon completion of this two-day workshop, participants will be able to:


1- Understand the origin and elements of the Key Features approach.

2- Prepare Key Feature cases and exams using an 8-step procedure:


1- Select clinical problems from a domain (from a blueprint);

...for a given problem:

2- Choose age group & clinical situation;

3- Define key features;

4- Write test case scenario;

5- Write questions;

6- Select response format (short answer, write-in);

7- Define marking (right answer) and scoring key (points);

8- Compute case and exam scores.


3- Appreciate the advantages and limits of the Key Features approach.


Workshop format: Step-by-step, hands-on experience in developing key feature cases and exams using small group work and plenaries.


Intended participants: Faculty involved in developing cases and questions for written (paper-and-pencil) and simulated (SP) exams, especially dealing with clinical topics. Basic scientists also welcomed since the key feature approach can also be applied to assessing basic science concepts.


Dates: Monday and Tuesday, March 7 & 8 from 9 to 5.